Tuesday 7 March 2017

In the Following Riddle Who Was Lying

In the Following Riddle Who Was Lying:

Another Cool Brain Teaser for you The Answer for the following riddle is given below

Once upon a time there lived three doctor's named x,y,z all 3 of them are working in a reputed hospital and they are going for their regular medical profession.All the 3 doctor's said that Robert is their brother but Robert is telling that he had no brothers how is this possible ??

other riddles to answers  :

1)Funny Math Riddle to answer

2)Riddle on burger

3)Four Men's Riddle 

Answer For The Above Riddle:  No one is actually Lying he had no brother all the 3 doctor's are his Sisters.


Four Men Riddle In English Funny Riddle to Share With Friends

Four Men Riddle In English Funny Riddle to Share With Friends:

Coming up with another funny riddle in English to answer try to read  carefully before you answer this riddle.

Here is the Riddle For you :  Four men were Fishing in a boat on the lake.The Boat turned over and all 4 men sank to the bottom of the lake and yet not one single man get wet.............

How do you think no single man got wet?   starch your brain and answer this riddle.

other riddles to answers  :

1)Funny Math Riddle to answer

2)Riddle on burger

Answer and reasoning for riddle : all the four men were married not single